



澳门新葡京博彩全球参与网络(GENIE)的目的是通过创建积极为国际学生之间的跨文化互动提供机会的节目,将国际学生和国内学生联系起来, domestic students, faculty, and the greater College community. GENIE为学生提供了一个互惠互利的平台,因为他们彼此建立了关系, develop new perspectives, 并形成多元文化能力,帮助他们在整个教育过程中. GENIE也是阿拉莫全球学生荣誉(AGS)的关键组成部分,该奖项在完成某些活动后授予参加合格国际活动的学生全球能力称号.

GENIE由两个部分组成:同伴群体队列和多元文化规划. 国内和国际学生可以参加其中一种或两种选择,以促进跨文化交流,促进对不同跨国群体的欣赏和理解.

  • Peer group Cohorts. GENIE对等组队列旨在为国内和国际学生提供联系和互惠互利. 而国内学生将帮助国际学生更深入地了解美国和德克萨斯州的文化, 国际学生将为国内学生提供一个获得新的文化视角的机会,并在跨文化互动中变得更有能力. Cohorts of three to four students, both domestic and international, 将被分配给一个文化导航员,他将组织和领导活动.
  • Multicultural Programming. GENIE的第二个组成部分包括多元文化活动,如探索圣安东尼奥历史遗址, cross-cultural workshops, visits to the Texas State Capitol, 以及澳门新葡京博彩周期间的国际活动.

Participate in GENIE

Join Now Button.png


Requirements to participate in GENIE

  • 开放给所有目前的澳门新葡京博彩区学生
  • Submit a student profile
  • Attend an orientation
  • Attend any mandatory meeting
  • Attend at least 3 GENIE Activities
  • Can join a GENIE Cohort
  • 阅读有关GENIE更新和即将开展的活动的通信
  • Be willing to engage in intercultural activities
  • 尊重文化、宗教、政治和性取向的差异

Benefits of participating in GENIE

Domestic Students

  • Engage in intercultural experiences
  • Meet new people with different perspectives
  • 和母语人士一起练习第二语言技能
  • 通过学习新的文化来提高全球意识
  • 一个分享你的文化的机会
    communication skills
  • Help promote International Education

International Students

  • 在到达美国之前和之后与ACD学生联系.S.
  • Meet new people with different perspectives
  • Practice your English skills
  • Learn about the U.S. 通过一个国内学生的视角来了解德克萨斯文化
  • A chance to share your culture
  • Develop interpersonal and communication skills
  • Help promote International Education


Duties and Responsibilities of GENIE Participants

Domestic Students

  • Attend required orientation and meetings
  • Attend 3 GENIE Activities per semester
  • Be respectful of others
  • Be willing to engage in activities
  • Be willing to share and help other
    learn about U.S. and Texan Culture

International Students

  • Attend required orientation and meetings
  • 每学期参加3次GENIE活动,参与群组活动
  • Be respectful of others
  • Be open to learning about the U.S. and Texan culture
  • 愿意分享并帮助他人了解你的文化

Culture Navigator (Cohort Leaders)

文化导航员是国际化的同行冠军,将与新的国际学生建立联系,在他们探索美国文化的同时与他们合作 the Alamo Colleges District community. 选择文化导航员将包括申请和面试过程. Formal training will be provided.


  • Previous International Experience
  • 2.0 GPA
  • Submit an application (link to application)
  • Submit an interesting essay
  • Faculty recommendation
  • 完成与国际项目办公室的面试


  • Develop Leadership Skill
  • Compensation

Duties and Responsibilities

  • Develop GENIE activities
  • Promote GENIE activities on social media
  • Lead and communicate GENIE cohort activities

Become a GENIE Culture Navigator

Apply Now Button.png


Upcoming GENIE Activities

To be announced!


YouTube Channel 




Point of Contact:

Patricia Ferguson

Email: dst-international@t9111.com

Phone: 210-485-0158