The Alamo Colleges Foundation

Alamo Colleges Foundation is the philanthropic arm of the Alamo Colleges. Our focus is scholarships — life-changing gifts that help students come in and stay in, and achieve their dreams of a college education.




该基金会的成立是为了开发资源,使五所澳门新葡京博彩(圣安东尼奥学院)所服务的不同学生和社区获得成功, St. 菲利普的大学, 帕洛阿尔托学院, Northwest Vista College and Northeast Lakeview College), increasing the District’s capacity for student success by raising charitable dollars for scholarships, programs and student success. 除了, Alamo Colleges Foundation annually administers approximately 300 endowed and non-endowed scholarships.

And investing in the Alamo Colleges Foundation helps students persist and graduate at higher rates, which improves the quality of life for all of San Antonio.

澳门新葡京博彩是大圣安东尼奥地区的增长引擎,帮助男女获得他们在职业生涯中前进所需的教育和劳动力培训, to make better lives for themselves and their families. Offering over 400 higher education, STEAM and other workforce training programs, the Alamo Colleges District is empowering our diverse community for success. 澳门新葡京博彩基金会可以被认为是一个社会服务机构,通过帮助进一步获得高等教育, which is a big key to abolishing poverty and can enable our residents to become productive citizens.





Overview of Alamo Colleges District and its Collegesdarkbluerule1300x30.png

A collective 300+ years of experience providing educational excellence in Bexar County and beyond.

In 2018, 澳门新葡京博彩区成为第一个获得马尔科姆·鲍德里奇国家质量奖的社区学院系统. Four of our colleges have also been named Aspen Institutes Top 150 community colleges in the U.S. One is a finalist for the Aspen Prize for Community College Excellence.


  • Northeast Lakeview College (NLC) the newest of Alamo Colleges, was established in 2007 and offers three degrees, 艺术副学士, 艺术副学士 in Teaching, and the 理学副学士.

    这三个学位包括一个连贯的学习课程,与学院的使命相一致,提供42个学期学分的通识教育核心课程和18个学期选修学分的课程清单,这些课程将允许学生转学到高年级院校. Although students will choose from an array of courses to complete the credit hours required, 这三个学位取决于建议或转学指南,旨在帮助学生在转学后选择计划学习的课程.

    NLC为目标是转入四年制大学的学生提供广泛的教育机会. Degree plans or optional electives are available for all associate degrees; these degree plans provide students with course selections to facilitate transfer to academic programs at four-year institutions. NLC的学位课程包括一系列课程,包括42小时的国家规定的核心课程和18小时的额外课程, varying by student interest and transfer institution.

  • Northwest Vista College (NVC) was established in 1995. Students can pursue a wide range of subjects at NVC, which offers programs in Associate of Arts (A.A.), 理学副学士 (AS), Associate of Arts in Teaching (AAT), Associate of Applied Science (AAS), Certificates of Completion, and Marketable Skills Awards.

    注册的学生还可以选择选修可转到许多高等教育机构的课程. 该学院与附近的几所大学签订了衔接协议,如德克萨斯大学圣安东尼奥分校, Texas State University-San Marcos, and the University of the Incarnate Word. 这些2+2衔接协议有助于促进学生从参与社区学院(如NVC)到参与德克萨斯州的四年制学院或大学的入学和学术转移.

    目前,西北维斯塔学院的课程目录包括由德克萨斯州高等教育协调委员会(THECB)授权的46小时核心课程。. 德州高等教育委员会要求德州所有公立学院和大学在学生的学位计划中,必须灌输至少42小时的核心课程学习. By completing NVC’s core curriculum, 学生可以转学到德克萨斯州的任何公共机构,而不用担心在转学过程中失去学分. As long as students complete the core curriculum, the satisfying courses will transfer as a block.


  • 帕洛阿尔托学院 (PAC), 成立于1985年, attracts students from throughout Bexar County and adjoining counties.

    Increases in enrollment prompted physical growth, 特别是通过建设新的设施来增加教室空间和体育娱乐. 学院提供多个物流和供应链管理教育和培训课程,包括副学士学位和证书水平.

    2020年12月, 澳门新葡京博彩基金会收到了慈善家麦肯齐·斯科特向帕洛阿尔托学院捐赠的2000万美元无限制美元. 这个慷慨的, unsolicited gift was the most significant gift ever received by any of the Alamo Colleges. Ms. 斯科特负责挑选受赠人的团队认为,帕洛阿尔托学院“具有很高的影响力潜力”.”

  • St. 菲利普的大学 (SPC) was established in 1898 and currently serves more than 11,000 students in over 70 different academic and technical disciplines.

    作为全国唯一一所同时被指定为历史黑人学院和大学(HBCU)和西班牙裔服务机构(HSI)的大学。, St. 菲利普的大学’s major divisions include Arts and Sciences, Applied Science and Technology, and Health Professions.

    Students may earn an Associate of Arts, 理学副学士, or Associate of Applied Science degree, depending on the major area of study. 许多部门提供为期一年的证书课程,旨在集中学习特定学科领域并快速进入就业市场.

    应用科学和技术部门提供独特的高需求职业和技术领域的课程, such as Aircraft Technology, Diagnostic Medical Sonography, 建筑行业, Electrical and Power Transmission, Multi-Modal Transportation, Manufacturing Engineering Technology, 再加上更多. St. 菲利普的大学 offers more than 200 online classes through its Center for Distance Learning. Courses range from Accounting, to Pathophysiology, to Web Design.

  • 圣安东尼奥学院(SAC)成立于1925年,为贝尔县社区提供高质量的通识教育, liberal arts and sciences, 职业生涯教育, 继续教育, and developmental education.

    2007年12月, 德克萨斯州高等教育协调委员会将圣安东尼奥学院的七个学术项目评为“典范”. 然而, 2008年1月, THECB revised the rating to include additional programs bringing the total to 11.

    The 11 programs receiving this designation are business management, 计算机辅助设计, 牙科协助, 广播电视和电影, 护理教育, 金融, and financial management, 医疗协助, 太平间科学, American sign language/interpreter training, 公共管理, 还有房地产. This rating means that all 11 programs exceed the state’s required standards of excellence in education.

    圣安东尼奥学院被国家安全局和国土安全部指定为国家网络防御学术卓越中心. 该指定代表了对满足国家网络防御教育需求的重大贡献的认可, developing cyber defense experts, and ultimately contributing to protecting the national information infrastructure.

    According to the Institute of Education Sciences, 圣安东尼奥学院目前的毕业率为14%,转学率为61%,而完成全日制副学士学位所需的时间为150%, first-time degree-seeking students. Of the 20,000 plus students enrolled, only 18% are attending full-time.



Alamo Colleges Foundation Board of Directors


W. Wendell Hall, Vice Chair*

Deborah Knapp, Treasurer*

Martha Tijerina, Secretary*

Roberto Zárate, Board of Trustees Liaison

Mike Beldon, Chairman Emeritus

Hall Hammond, Board Member Emeritus

Lisa Andrade Gonima



大卫•维. 基督教

Dr. 大卫•约翰逊



Dr. 凯特•罗杰斯



Dr. Mike Flores, ACD Chancellor (Ex-Officio)

巴顿T. 辛普森(当然的)


Alamo Colleges Foundation Staff

巴顿T. 辛普森

Operations and Advancement Service
Dr. 穆里奥斯
Director of Operations and Advancement Services 

数据库 & 报告经理 

Gift Processing Specialist 

Senior 发展 Officer 

黛博拉·米. 马丁
Director of Major Gifts 

Director of Annual 给

Jan Mundine
Donor Engagement and Stewardship Manager 

Franchesca Velten  
发展 Coordinator 

尼娜B. 莱特
Senior Program Officer – 奖助金 发展

Senior Program Officer – 奖助金 发展

Director of Scholarship Programs

奖学金制度 & 报告经理 

Foundation Scholarship Coordinator 


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